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Try our Margarita Cocktail Recipe -  The classic Mexican favourite

Try our Margarita Cocktail Recipe - The classic Mexican favourite

Sweet Sour and slightly salty the Margarita has it all. This cocktail is part of the daisy family of cocktails, which were popular in the early 20th century. In fact, ‘margarita’ is the Spanish word for daisy. Cocktails in the daisy family consist of spirit, citrus juice and something to both sweeten it up and to balance the citrus. Although many people think the Margarita comes from Mexico or South America, the origins of a cocktail containing tequila, citrus juice and an orange liqueur can be traced back to the Café Royal Cocktail Book in 1937, well before this combination was published as a Margarita. Named the Picador, the ingredients are in fact identical to those of a tequila daisy. So this suggests this citrussy delight may actually be a British invention. Either way the Margarita is still the perfect accompaniment to a Mexican meal. The Margarita may be popular because, in addition to sweet and sour flavours, it includes salt.


50 mls Tequila

15 mls Triple Sec

30 mls Lime Juice




How to mix

Carefully rub the outer rim of the glass with the lime slice to make the salt stick to it.

Place a layer of salt on a plate and gently roll the rim of the glass through it.

The salt should present to the lips but never mix into the cocktail.

Shake the other ingredients with ice, then carefully pour into the glass. Garnish with a lime wheel or wedge on the side of the glass (this has the added benefit that you can use it to remove the salt rim if it’s not to your taste).
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